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Waskita Baja menawarkan fabrikasi baja berkualitas tinggi untuk pasar industri dan komersial.
Kami membuat menara transmisi listrik tegangan extra tinggi (SUTET), pagar pembatas jalan toll, pipa gas bawah tanah, dan struktur baja besar lainnya.
Kami menyediakan layanan yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Insinyur kami yang berpengalaman dan terlatih akan bekerja bersama Anda dari awal hingga akhir proyek, dengan seksama mempelajari kebutuhan Anda untuk memberikan solusi yang inovatif, sustainable, dan estimasi biaya yang akurat sehingga dapat memaximalkan investasi Anda.
Produk kami dibuat dari bahan berkualitas terbaik dan telah ditambahkan fitur – fitur khusus sehingga tahan terhadap kondisi cuaca ekstrem.
Kami menggabungkan teknologi tercanggih dari Eropa, keahlian dan pengetahuan kami untuk membuat produk dan modul berkinerja dan berpresisi tinggi sehingga bisa menghasilkan flexibilitas desain yg prima dan struktur yang kokoh.
Pabrik Waskita Baja terletak di area 4,3 HA di Cikande – Jawa Barat, dengan kapasitas terpasang 4.000MT / bulan. Di Waskita Baja, kami bekerja dan mendedikasikan hidup kami untuk memberikan produk dan solusi terbaik bagi klien kami.

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Waskita Baja offers high quality steel fabrication service for industrial and commercial market. We provide high voltage electric transmission tower, guardrail, underground gas pipeline, and other heavy steel structures. We offer uniquely tailored service to best suit your needs.
Our experienced and well-trained engineers will work with you from inception to completion, carefully going through your need to provide innovative, sustainable solution and accurate cost estimation that help you to get the most out of your investment.
Our products are made from the best quality material available in the market and have undergone special treatments to withstand extreme weather condition.
We invest in high performance and most advanced technology to date from Europe, and use our expertise and knowledge to produce high precision products and modules to achieve excellent design flexibility and structural integrity.
As a responsible citizen of the planet, we always find ways to minimize our footprint. Our factory is designed for sustainable manufacturing. We use highly efficient machines that leave very minimal carbon print and wastage. Wastes are sent to the recyclers.
Our staffs are educated and trained to carry out tasks in a responsible manner. Our facility lies on 4,3 HA area in Cikande – West Java, with installed capacity at 4,000MT/month. At Waskita Steel, we work every day to live and breathe our commitment to delivering first class products and services to our clients.
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