[:ID]Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia (17 Agustus 2019)[:en]Indonesian Independence Day (August 17, 2019)[:]

[:ID]Dari kiri ke kanan (Pak Ridwan (Legal Expert), Pak Agus Eriyanto (Manager Finance), Pak Itra Jaya (SPM), Pak Ginanjar (Engineering), Pak Eko Widianto (Plt. Direktur Ops), Pak Amrin Farikhi (Head of Steel Div), dan seluruh rekan.)

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia (17 Agustus 2019)

17 Agustus di rayakan di pabrik Waskita Baja Cikande dengan menjunjung tema: Bersama, kami akan membangun Indonesia menjadi lebih baik untuk generasi penerus.

Acara dihadiri oleh President Director, Director of Finance, HCM dan semua staff PT. Waskita karya Infrastruktur.

(Bp. Eko Widianto (Plt. Direktur Ops), with staff and operator)[:en]From left to right (Mr. Ridwan – Legal Expert,  Mr. Agus Eriyanto – Manager Finance, Mr. Itra Jaya – SPM,  Mr. Ginanjar – Engineering, Mr. Eko Widianto – Plt. Direktur Ops, Mr. Amrin Farikhi – Head of Steel Div, and other staff.)

Indonesian Independence Day (August 17, 2019)

Indonesian Independence Day was celebrated at the Waskita Baja Cikande, with the theme: Together, we will build a better Indonesia for the next generation.

The ceremony was attended by the President Director, Director of Finance, HCM and all staff of PT. Waskita Infrastruktur.

(Mr. Eko Widianto (Plt. Direktur Ops), beserta staff dan operator Pabrik Baja)[:]